Duty at 51 Base Headquarters
In May 1944 he was transferred to 5 Group Headquarters at Morton Hall in Morton near Swinderby.
During this time the allies maintained heavy bombing in Europe and the strategic destruction of factories, ports and rocket sites with heavy casualties. Squadron Leader Langlois' role was to bring in staff and qualified aircrew to replace men in depleted squadrons. Primarily he dealt with Australian personnel and Australian Squadrons in 5 Group including Waddington, the base for 463/467 Squadrons.
The assistance that he was able to supply to these squadrons with regard to replacement crews allowed him the opportunity to become friends with Wing Commanders Donaldson (463 Sq.) and Balmer (467 Sq) and S/Ldr Forbes (463 Sq). W/C Donaldson failed to return from a mission on 24th June 1944 and W/C Forbes DSO DFC took over his position. He contacted S/Ldr Langlois and asked if he would be prepared to be transferred to 463 Squadron as Squadron Leader. W/C Balmer was killed in action only weeks later. Squadron Leader Langlois made the necessary application to re-instate to active service on 463 Squadron. On 13th June 1944 he transferred to 1661 Conversion Unit at RAF Winthorpe for conversion to Lancasters and in August 1944, became Squadron Leader in 463 Squadron under W/C Forbes.